Monday, April 6, 2009

Prime image in three / hazy afternoon

I woke about four thirty pm
catching the garden in prime number beauty
of eighty three percent bright magnetism

the matt green of papaya and bamboo
the gloss of the yellow flower
the green and purple of the unknown one

a young squirrel came to bounce
through three centimetre grass, then
up a young papaya tree, until spotting its mate

a wary bird ran away in half flapping terror
a mynah flew past, flecks of colour in the air
a cicak zipping by window water plant

completing the prime image

hazy afternoon

1 April 2009

hear time go on and on, tick, tock
chattering bird or two near
whishing of ironing water there

creaking of light wooden chair
tapping of computer key here
banging of steaming fish wok

waiting to eat, two fifteen
rucking hunger hitting

ah, amah;
with fish, green leaf, stem crunch
I take water in a cut-price gift mug

no wonder the birds here go ‘cheap, cheap’

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Two women in a place not here

1 Jazz bar

the raindrops that fall in the light of the night
are like the tears of love when the autumn kicks in;
to a woman, the words and tune, they’re sunset bright
to let a late night loving come, place a bet, we will win

the tree, the flower might sway in the night air
but I only want to be in motion with you, the time when I
know you gaze at early morning legs, you touch my hair
to watch the morning change, the rain of the waning night go by

2 Concert

the energy and pace of nature are beginning to clash
the rain is beating on a desolate landscape of exposed igneous rock
the typhoon is blasting the coast
writhing in agony, cutting and opening

ripping out the interior

in the desert, the abrasion of weathering
is scratching away at a million rock surfaces of quartz
in the snow-covered mountains, the winds tear at the atmosphere
the avalanches break anything in their way

ripping out the interior