Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Beach rock

alarm clock marimba, the early bird warble 

whispering sunlight beginning to roam 

open the window, breathe in the new air

the night, fait accompli, on the way home 

warm up the car, engine now ticking

your hand on my thigh, next to me here

garden flowers waving a goodbye

crawling along, in au revoir gear

picking up, cruising along by the beach

off-and-on sun through flickering tree 

half-angry sea hitting the breakwater

the scavenging, bickering bird bonhomie 

enjoying the sea, the Mercedes warm hum

windows open, we are eating the breeze

pit-stop café, a cup of black coffee

cheap chair, cracked plate, croissant en prise 

on the beach walking, the sand soft and warm

boutique horizon of pink, orange, cerise

of salt spray aroma, the hiss of the surf

of the gentle arousing of the half-languid breeze