Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The house is tight for the night

25 March 2007 c 2200

I enjoy ‘Come dine with me’; there are
a number of interesting menus, good commentary, witty
with people with imagination; tonight, mushroom,
bacon and cheese, lamb - I can always enjoy -
with vegetables, the deserting dessert, gooseberry pie.

Here though, the house is tight for the night now.

The latter was not to my taste, thinking of gooseberries years ago;
the rest was good, but the witticism…maybe a little forced, though.

Andrew phoned, interesting; much of the time I enjoy talking to him.
In some ways, we are quite alike; in others, we are not.
I try the housing in Coventry, but the connection,
or lack of it, is walking,
I cannot get through; third-world technology.

Here though, the house is tight for the night now.

I quip, for that, a hasty, thoughtless affront, is quite unfair,
a callous remark in the post-meteorological, breezeless, humid air.

The voice begins activity on the phone, 22 15.
It is time for another beer; my only refuge; my only lonely refuge,
I put the fan on swing, full blast, with global warming
the reality of oncoming mayhem, whatever some think;
the woman is now getting to the doors, window, light, the night tame.

Here though, the house is tight for the night now;
here though, the night is tight for the house now.