Where did you get the notebook, and where do you hide the pen?
Watching you, a paperclip chap, the obsequious waiter gearing up to go
the eyebrows raise in intelligent way on the extenuating wire
I like it when I, to rent your thought, type in a word you don’t know
eye opening in glaring incredulity when I, in jest, enquire
to whirl in surprise, the hula-hoop of non-stop motion, the atom brain
you seem to smile with pensive thought, hand on chin too
becoming a molecule after quietening in melt down again
when, I’m sure, your electron mock-irritation and energy are through
raising eyebrows, looking at me as though I’m an imbecile in totality
Am I in the imagination, and you’re the one who’s part of reality
enjoying the role of maîtrisse of the art of research Q and A ingestion?
I don’t know what you mean. Please rephrase your question.