Monday, February 16, 2009

The piano wakes me

early 2001

The piano wakes me, around 4 30 pm
arise, doped from my sleep in the children’s bedroom
laboriously stagger almost, to the kitchen
eyes half open body not fully activated, for a few mugs of hot herbal tea

The sunlight gleams bright on the white compound wall
In the distance, tall coconut palms break the clear blue skyline horizon
next to the wall, on the other side, scrub bushes peep over the top

By the plastic circular table a moth or
butterfly flies by and lands vertically on the food and crockery rack;
now, feeling more alert, listen to the next door cockerel trumpet his being

A short bout of hay fever sneezing completes the waking process
now, time to start thinking about this evening’s meal,
one of the real highlights of the day, nasi goreng
or ubiquitous fried rice,
with chopped potato and spinach from lunch, minced fish,
and egg stirred in,
pepper, enough salt to flavour,
a generous sprinkle of herbs; tastes good, too

The children watch cartoons, play simple badminton,
ride their bikes outside
a car crunches by on the gravel covered road at the back
the fridges whirr and buzz,
non-stop sentries at the wall behind me