A Greek name, an unusual one, part of the alphabet;
a thought came, an unusual one, part of the work, but yet…
Here, on a cold night of autumn, near rural Abergavenny,
I am thinking of this and that, the risk factor of the onset of the game,
of unintentional critique, with a few beers too many,
thinking too of what, to coin a phrase, is in a name.
Catherine Pi,
now working with a puff-pastry passion for Greggs, happy to make
chicken and mushroom, but taking a bite of everything they bake.
Catherine Delta,
one indolent long-haul flight attendant, who spends time listening to
the rather nice Linda Ronstadt, ignoring work and the rest of the crew.
Catherine Gamma,
a radiologist, photographing neck, femur, tibia, knee
now weekend X-raying those that Catherine Beta put in casualty.
Catherine Eta,
one can assume, might be a bit overweight,
walking a tummy bulge chips take-away with jeans biting gait.
Catherine Iota,
with just a single GCSE, but a nice girl, though
not too bright, enjoying ‘yeah’, ‘maybe’, ‘oh, I dunno’.
Catherine Xi, or Catherine Tau,
with elegant, posh ease
might be mistaken for rich ballet-loving Hong Kong Chinese.
Poor Catherine Psi,
working through life in grease-streak garage attire,
changing oil, and putting air in a car or a bicycle tyre.
Here, on a cold night of autumn, near rural Abergavenny,
I am thinking of this and that, the risk factor of the onset of cirrhosis.
At least your parents, with a few gin and tonics too many,
didn’t register you, in a fit of Welsh psychosis,
Catherine Omega, for you would have undergone a public house mutation,
by popular peanut-crisp wisdom, through Brains brain to half-gone inebriation
to Catherine Omega-3 fatty acids with EPA and DHA fish oil 1000mg....., meaning
one would need a large cinema screen, and a title credit editor of quite exceptional ability.