tropical thunder on a thundering jungle
raw rain coming to earth, to you,
coconut plunder, tree sprouting in birth,
rocking leaf, emerald tree coming on cue...
here, a smorgasbord of the finest thunder, lightning, rain,
a three course batik monsoon, texture, aroma, colour rich,
wok banging gas cooker, duck in sour plum, tough cuttlefish,
the Malay women with oil rice in smoking Kijal bamboo,
wet scar rubber tree, morning mugging, latex in a cup,
briny fishing boat estuary waiting in the indolent eastern breeze,
oil palm tractor, a cool tree refuge, broken stall abandonment,
Chinese vegetable motorbike man, monkey with chain,
the old Malay with a clove cigarette, encouraging,
the thump when the coconut hits the earth,
robin magpie lecturing anyone, whether they like it or not,
the whole being thrown apart by the weather, now here.