Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I wait for Wei Ting

and Chloe circa March 2007 begin/Sept 2007 I wait patient, the air warm, the powering fan turning high the insecticide radiation, slowing in pungency the birds bursting through foliage, as if thinking to score a try crunching colour into gear in tee-shirt, tight shorts, on the crossbar of table, legs resting bare relaxing, quiet new reading half to herself, without pressure I watch from away, by the end of the patio where warm foliage birds bursting through on Friday, Chloe meandering in, but happiness not embarking here a no-eat breakfast effort; at first, not much interest but comprehension of Science book, a pleasure now coming near relaxing on the bare patio, quiet reading, new to type of plant, leaf, colour, or animal fur or paw I like to watch the young memory hitting top gear; then, she’s off, crunching on the lane, now hot, raw meandering Science coming near What is the point of unsubtle indoctrination passing off by the main newspapers as formal education? What is the joint between those who, with logic and intellect, get the gist? But those lost without wisdom and knowledge are running away in the earth’s mist turning through pressure, now embarking in meandering memory near