temperate thunder on a thundering mountain,
raw snow coming to earth, to you,
fox hunting plunder, fern sprouting in birth,
pine, rock, running water, kite coming on cue...
boot tweed cap bramble, gin JP ramble
stock market grow, bankers gung-ho
iron mills shut, rich MPs tut
wet children play, uniform grey…
terracing house, unemployed grouse
second hand stop, charity shop
coal mining grime, drugs, drinking, crime
cripple frost crunch, old women hunch…
concrete kerb melt, barbwire sleet pelt
gale breakers boast, pound rushing coast
poor market square, wither skin air
tin soup pill gag, low fat tea bag…
arthritis, gout, bronchial spout
pinch people crouch, surgery couch
phlegm, coughing, weak? GP next week
jab, tablet, ointment, ache? Make appointment…
income tax scar, businessman car
cling-film mackintosh back
hay bloating tractor turning up quiet mountain track,
the whole being thrown apart by the weather, now here.