Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Town in the sun

torpor of 10 December 2000

The temerity of Temerloh
a hazy, lazy Sunday afternoon ennui

muggy coma, patient
in moping misery, watching the heat encroach

waiting in weary way for wretched transport to come
breathing in fuming, irritating health air

trek to a restaurant, for late overdue lunch of the
colonel’s chicken, chips and coke

enjoying the air-conditioned corporal relief
general insipid monotony

I’m not over keen on this place, being marooned here
twice for a few hours in 2 weeks is enough for me

wooden would-be passenger mock chatting
in ankle skirt, clutching tissue, cheap bag

the occasional tired taxi
waiting on nothing, boring, no-one to hire

an ancient, dirty excuse for a 21st century
country coach coming with a roar

microphone man announcement; our exit now 5 30
not a moment too soon for me